Monday, February 25, 2013

Tales and Ales

Next Tales and Ales is Friday, March 8th! 
Hosted by Emily Wooton 
Doors open at 7:30pm with 
pre-show music by the Wootones!  
Tales start at 8pm.  

Poetry and Songwriting Open Mic

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Auditions for Crave
a play by Sarah Kane, directed by Erinn Huntley,
will be March 3rd from 12pm-3pm 
and March 4th from 8pm-10pm 
at The Anam Cara Collective 
(203 Haywood Rd., W AVL).  

You must sign up for an audition time.  
Email or call 828.252.2505 
to sign up or for more info..  

Show dates will be April 26th-28th at Toy Boat Community Arts Space.

"Crave is a tour-de-force tone poem for four voices. The play is non-linear, fragmented and fractured; it bounces through time like the thoughts and feelings of a confused, conflicted and desperate mind. It meditates obsessively on themes of the inescapability of trauma, love and its inadequacy to wholly redeem, hope and hopelessness, despair and craving. . . .There is no story, no message and only elusive wisps of narrative. It is experiential in nature and is driven by the rapid-fire associations of a troubled mind." from The Catastrophic Theatre Company