Friday, August 7, 2009

First Production Meeting

Last night we had a very successful production meeting. Everyone involved is excited about making Anam Cara Theatre Company a wonderful addition to the Asheville theatre community. Although our mission is still a work in progress, we have layed major groundwork in terms of what we wish to accomplish and the type of theatre we will present to our audiences.

Our fall production will be a Cabaret called, "The Connective Collective", which we hope will feature some very eclectic Asheville talent! More details soon!


  1. What follows is an email I sent out to all performing arts groups in Asheville last week. Please read and don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions.

    Dear friend,

    I'm excited to announce the launch of a new marketing initiative for the performing arts in Asheville. This project is grant-funded, and there is no cost to participate.

    The success of the campaign depends on the participation of as many performing groups as possible, so please respond to the participant form that will reach you today or tomorrow.

    For the past two years I’ve been working on a project, funded by a grant from the Asheville Merchants Association, to create a brand identity and marketing campaign for the performing arts in Asheville. I’m pleased to announce that we will launch this campaign in late September.

    In the next 24 hours, you will be receiving an email from our marketing partner, Market Connections, with the phrase “New Performing Arts Brand Website Sign-up” in the subject line. Please fill out the attached form in order to participate.
    You will be included and listed in the comprehensive online directory of performing arts groups based in Buncombe County. There is no charge to be included. The website, which we will be launched at a special event at the end of September, will provide information about the performing arts in Asheville as well as links to your group’s website. It will also include a calendar function to direct potential patrons to your performances based on their interests. If you are a group or individual who produces performing events for public, ticketed performances or for hire, this is the website for you.

    Please take the time to fill out the Market Connections Participant Form and submit by Wednesday, August 12th, and join us in this unprecedented opportunity to promote the performing arts in Asheville.

    Due to the nature of the grant, this website is limited to performing arts groups within Buncombe County. You may be for-profit or not-for-profit, but you must be centered around live performance. Individuals and groups may submit information. If you are an individual, you must have an "act" that you wish to promote. This will not be helpful for individual actors, for example. But if you are a theatre group, dance group, barber shop quartet, juggler/entertainer for hire, rock band, bluegrass band, a venue that hosts theatre, dance, comedy or band performances, etc. please join us.

    Adult entertainment will not be represented on this site. If you have any questions about whether you or your group fits this criteria, please don't hesitate call us at 828-239-0263 and ask for either Amanda Leslie or Charlie Flynn-McIver.

  2. Here's the link I mentioned in the comment.
